[Templates] $Button_CX = 75 $Button_CY = 24 $Button_Large_CX = 110 $Tab_ParCtl_Left_CX = 145 $Tab_ParCtl_Right_CX = 128 $Tab_ParCtl_CY = 24 $Tab = t(tab) sz(p,p) $Button = t(button) sz(a,$Button_CY, $Button_CX) $Button_Medium = t(button) sz(a,$Button_CY, $Button_Medium_CX) $Button_Large = t(button) sz(a,$Button_CY, $Button_Large_CX) $ToolButton = at(chklike,rememberdata) bg("ToolButton,1,0,0,1,0,0") sz(21,21) $ListButton = $Button alias(listbutton) $Check = t(check) sz(a,a) a(la) $CheckForGroup = t(check) sz(a,a) a(lt) at(noparentdisable) xy(0,-21) $Radio = t(radio) sz(a,a) a(la) $Combo = t(combo) sz(p,a) a(la) $IpAddr = t(ipaddress) $Link = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) f("Hotlink_Normal") $ListTransp = t(list) sz(p,p) $List = $ListTransp bg("ColorWindow") $ListToolbarOffsetY = 30 $ListToolbar = $List at(noborder) a(lt) xy(,$ListToolbarOffsetY) toolbar(ctl.Toolbar) $TB_ShiftFirst = 5 $TB_ShiftNext = 7 $TB_ShiftFirst_Btn = 2 $TB_ShiftNext_Btn = 1 $TB_Btn = [TB_Button] $GroupBox = t(group) f("GroupHeader") b1(GroupBox) $GroupBoxLink = t(group) f("GroupHeaderLink") b(GroupBox) $SettingsGroup = t(box) f("SetGroupHeader") b(Topline_grey) a(la) sz(p,a) mg(8,8,0,0) xy(0,$Group_Shift) $MainSettingsGroup = t(box) f("SetGroupHeader") b(Topline_grey) a(la) sz(p,a) xy(,,,20) $Control_Shift = 7 $Button_Shift = 6 $Group_Shift = 7 $Edit_CenterOffsetY = -3 $Edit_CommentOffsetX = 4 $TimeEditCX = 80 $Static_Shift = xy(0,0,0,3) $Static_ShiftAfter = xy(0,3,0,0) $ButtonsLineSizeX = 81 $ButtonsLineSizeY = 31 $DialogPanelSizeY_top = 30 $DialogPanelSizeYTab_top = 41 $TabOffset_y = 11 $DialogPanelSize_DiffTabStd = 11 $DialogPanelSizeY_bottom = 40 $DialogPanelSizeY = 36 $Border_Shift = 10 $DialogFooterSizeY_InstallerWithSep = 56 $DialogFooterSizeY_Installer = 56 $Button_Installer = t(button) sz(82,24) $Button_Shift_Installer = 9 $ButtonsLineMediumSizeX = 109 $RadioCommentShift = 18 $LValueLeftArea = 140 $LValueShift = xy(150) $RadioCommentShiftXY = xy($RadioCommentShift,4) $MenuCustom = t(dialog) bg("ComboBox_sel") sz(a,a) at(ontop,nocaption,noactivate,menulike) mg(1,1) $MenuCustomItem = sz(a,a) at(btnlike,noowncontent) a(la) bg((ctl.hotlight || ctl.selected) ? "GreenHotlight" : "") $DlgAttrBase = t(dialog) mg(7,7) at(dragable) bg((isOsGuiThemed && !isTabbed && !$IsInitMode) ? "ColorWindow" : "ColorWindowClassic") $DlgAttr = $DlgAttrBase at(a_ok,a_cancel) $Dlg = $DlgAttr $DlgBodyAttr = at(lt) sz(p,p) $Wizard = t(dialog) mg(7,7) at(dragable,wizard) at(a_next,a_back,a_cancel) $WizardPage = sz(p,p) xy(,,,$DialogPanelSizeY) $GroupBody = a(la) bg("GroupBody") sz(p,a) rs(100,0) xy(,7) $ValPrm = extprm(1) t(v) at(hidden) $RichText = t(richedit) at(readonly,noborder,nofocus) $TopWindows_Min_X = 723 $TopWindows_Min_Y = 514 $shiftgw_left = 25 ------------Customized URLS--------------- $ForumURL = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.URL") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.URL!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.URL : $ForumDefURL $ForumName = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.TipText") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.TipText!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.TipText: $ForumDefName $ForumDescr = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.Description") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.Description!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Forum.Description: $ForumDefDescr $OnlineCoursesURL = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.URL") && SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.URL!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.URL : $OnlineCoursesDefURL $OnlineCoursesName = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.TipText") && SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.TipText!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.TipText : $OnlineCoursesDefName $OnlineCoursesDescr = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.Description")&& SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.Description!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.OnlineCourses.Description : $OnlineCoursesDefDescr $PersonalCabinetName = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.TipText") && SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.TipText!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.TipText : $PersonalCabinetDefName $PersonalCabinetDescr = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.Description") && SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.Description!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.PersonalCabinet.Description : $PersonalCabinetDefDescr $SupportReqName = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.TipText") && SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.TipText!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.TipText : $SupportReqDefName $SupportReqDescr = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.Description") && SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.Description!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.SupportReq.Description : $SupportReqDefDescr $SupportURL = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.URL") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.URL!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.URL : $SupportDefURL $SupportName = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.TipText") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.TipText!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.TipText: $SupportDefName $SupportDescr = bindok("SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.Description") && SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.Description!="" ? SupportCustom.aLinks.Support.Description: $SupportDefDescr $ParentalControlURL = f_GetInterceptorLink("parental_control") ;-- MainWindow -- $TaskTab = a(lt) bg("MainWindowPanelBg") sz(480,374) rs(0,0) mg(16,15,16,16) $TaskWorkArea = a(lt) sz(p,p) $TaskPanel = a(lt) sz(p,p) $TaskView = $TaskPanel alias(taskview) $TaskSubGroup = alias(taskview) sz(p,a) rs(0,0) a(la) xy(,,,7) ext(1) $TaskValShift = xy(,5) $TaskVal = [TaskVal] a(la) $TaskValShift $TaskInfoIcon = a(as) sz(a,a) i("info,0,1,0,0,0,1") at(btnlike) xy(7,7,,1) $TaskSettingsInfoIcon = $TaskInfoIcon xy(7,6,,1) $ParamInfoIcon = $TaskInfoIcon xy(4,1,,7) ;--- DlgWizard ------ $DlgWizardInnerAttr = sz(p,p) $WizardGroupNext = t(box) f("SetGroupHeader") b(Topline_light) a(la) sz(p,a) mg(8,8,0,0) xy(0,$Group_Shift) $Duplicate = msg("Duplicate", #m_error|#m_res_cancel) ;--- Charts ------ $ChartStatPctrl = t(chartstat) mg(0,0) refresh(1000) $ChartStat = t(chartstat) mg(10,10) refresh(1000) $ChartStatAxisY = t(chartaxisval) b(AxisLine) sz(32,a) xy(2) ticks(a) ticktype(1) drawpos(0) min(0) max(a) f("AxisLineText") $ChartStatAxisX = t(chartaxiscat) b(AxisLine) sz(a,4) ticks(2) drawpos(1) $ChartStatData = t(chartseries) alias(blstat) mg(5) prm(#dbStatistics) $DynamicChartAxisY = t(chartaxisval) b(AxisLine_Green) sz(24,a) xy(-1) ticks(4) ticktype(1) drawpos(0) min(0) max(a) f("AxisLineText") $DynamicChartAxisX = t(chartaxiscat) b(AxisLine_Green) sz(a,1) ticks(2) drawpos(1) $TableStyleCaption1 = f("Normal_Bold") at(fixstyle) a(lt) xy(,10) mg(5,0) $TableStyleHeader = f("Normal") at(fixstyle) a(ls) xy(,16) sz(p,23) mg(5,4) $TableStyleColumn1 = f("Normal") at(fixstyle) a(rs) xy(12,) sz(,23) $TableStyleRow = f("Normal") at(fixstyle) a(la) xy(,1) sz(p,23) mg(5,4) $ProfileHome_Report = window("MainReport:" + s_Profile2ProfileGroup_Reports(name), p_postInit(if(!persistent, "ctl.Report.selgroup(" + id + ")"))) $KavDescr = a(lb) xy(,10) i("info") ia(lt) sz(p,a) use($IsKAV) $ChartPie = t(chartpie) bg("ColorWindow") $PieData = t(piesector) alias(blstat) prm(#dbStatistics) $StdAreaSeparator = sz(p,1) a(la) b(Group) rs(100,0) $StdFooterSeparator = $StdAreaSeparator b(BlackSeparator) $FooterLinkSep = bg("FooterLinkSep") sz(a,a) ;$FooterLinkSep = [LabelShadow2] f("MainFtr") text("|") $IsAdvancedDisinfectionStoped = !s_IsStateRunning(AdvDis.state) $OpenScanProgressWindow = window("ScanProgressWindow", p_itemID(name)) ; разделительная линия для страниц главного окна $TaskSep_Temp = b(MainTaskSep) sz(p,1) a(la) xy(,7,,8) ;------------- Dialog Panels ------------ [DialogPanel] $LinkYBottomOffset = 12 @ = a(lb) xy(2,2,2,0) sz(p,$DialogPanelSizeY) ext(1) rs(100,0) BtnsGroup = [DialogPanel_BtnsGroup] ;Bckgnd = sz(700,a) bg("DlgFooter") a(rt) extprm(1) ;ResizeBackground = sz(p,p) rs(100,0) bg("DlgFooter_rs") a(pt) extprm(1) ResizeBackground = sz(p,p) rs(100,0) a(pt) extprm(1) ;Sep = $StdFooterSeparator a(lt) extprm(1) WndResizer = a(rb) sz(a,a) bg("WndResizer") xy(1,-4) Body = sz(p,p) a(ac) use(0) extprm(1) Help = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) a(lb) xy(13,$LinkYBottomOffset) f("MainFtr") onclick(help()) text($Help) extprm(1) use($IsHelpExists) enable($IsAdvancedDisinfectionStoped) S1 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($Button_Shift,,$Button_Shift) visible(ctl.Link1.visible) Link1 = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) a(ab) xy(,$LinkYBottomOffset) f("MainFtr") use(0) extprm(1) S2 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($Button_Shift,,$Button_Shift) visible(ctl.Link2.visible) Link2 = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) a(ab) xy(,$LinkYBottomOffset) f("MainFtr") use(0) extprm(1) S3 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($Button_Shift,,$Button_Shift) visible(ctl.Link3.visible) Link3 = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) a(ab) xy(,$LinkYBottomOffset) f("MainFtr") use(0) extprm(1) [DialogPanel_BtnsGroup] @ = sz(a,a) rs(0,0) a(rc) xy(6,) extprm(1) Confirm = [BtnGlass] a(lt) xy($Button_Shift) YesToAll = [BtnGlass] a(at) xy($Button_Shift) WizardGroup = [DialogPanel_BtnsGroup_WizardGroup] extprm(1) No = [BtnGlass] a(at) xy($Button_Shift) extprm(1) Cancel = [BtnGlass] a(at) xy($Button_Shift) onclick(close()) extprm(1) Apply = [BtnGlass] a(at) xy($Button_Shift) [DialogPanel_BtnsGroup_WizardGroup] @ = sz(a,p) a(at) rs(0,0) Back = [BtnGlass] xy($Button_Shift) extprm(1) Next = [BtnGlass] a(at) extprm(1) ;------------- Button Glass ------------ [BtnGlass] $btnWd = 5 $btnIndexes = 3,1,4,5,3,2 @ = t(bmpbutton) at(noowncontent) sz($Button_CX,$Button_CY) ta(cc) f(ctl.enabled ? "BtnGlass" : "BtnGlassGray") L = bg("BtnGlassLeft,$btnIndexes") sz($btnWd,p) a(lt) extprm(1) R = bg("BtnGlassRight,$btnIndexes") sz($btnWd,p) a(rt) extprm(1) M = bg("BtnGlassMiddle,$btnIndexes") sz(p,p) xy($btnWd,,$btnWd) extprm(1) Cont = [BtnGlass_Cont] mg(7) sz(a,a) a(cc) extprm(1) [BtnGlassFix] @ = t(bmpbutton) at(noowncontent,btnlike) sz(a,$Button_CY) f(ctl.enabled ? "BtnGlass" : "BtnGlassGray") L = bg( s_ButtonFixBg_L(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId)) ) sz(20,p) a(lt) extprm(1) R = bg( s_ButtonFixBg_R(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId)) ) sz(20,p) a(rt) extprm(1) M = bg( s_ButtonFixBg_M(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId)) ) sz(p,p) xy(6,,6) extprm(1) Text = [LabelShadow1] mg(15) a(lt) xy(,4) sz(a,a) at(underlineoff) text(ctl.parent.text) f(ctl.parent.font) subst(B(at(underlineoff)) F(at(underlineoff)) ) extprm(1) [BtnGlass_Cont] @ = ext(1) Icon = a(lc) sz(a,a) extprm(1) Text = [LabelShadow2] a(ac) at(underlineoff) text(ctl.parent.parent.text) f(ctl.parent.parent.font) subst(B(at(underlineoff)) F(at(underlineoff)) ) extprm(1) [BtnGlassMedium] @ = ext(1) [BtnGlass] sz($Button_Medium_CX,$Button_CY) [BtnBottomMedim] @ = t(bmpbutton) at(noowncontent) sz(a,20) ta(cc) f("MainFtr") L = bg("BtnBottomLeft,0,1,2,0,0,2") sz(20,p) a(lt) extprm(1) R = bg("BtnBottomRight,0,1,2,0,0,2") sz(20,p) a(rt) extprm(1) M = bg("BtnBottomMiddle,0,1,2,0,0,2") sz(p,p) xy(20,,20) extprm(1) Cont = [BtnBottom_Cont] mg(7,,7) extprm(1) [BtnBottom_Cont] @ = a(lt) sz(a,p) ext(1) Icon = a(lc) sz(a,a) extprm(1) Text = a(ac) sz(a,a) xy(,1) text(ctl.parent.parent.text) f(ctl.parent.parent.font) extprm(1) [IconLink] @ = sz(a,a) at(btnlike,noowncontent) ext(1) Icon = a(lc) extprm(1) Text = [LabelShadow2] a(ac) bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.font = ctl.parent.font; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight) extprm(1) [IconLink2] @ = sz(a,a) at(btnlike,noowncontent) ext(1) Icon = a(lc) extprm(1) Text = a(ac) bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.font = ctl.parent.font; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight) extprm(1) [InfoLink] @ = sz(a,a) ext(1) Text = a(lt) extprm(1) Icon = i("info,0,1,0,0,0,1") at(btnlike) sz(a,a) a(as) extprm(1) [BtnSquare] $BpStates = bp(ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.selected = ctl.parent.selected; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) @ = sz(83,83) at(btnlike) ext(1) L = bg("BtnSquareLeft,0,0,1,0,0,1") sz(3,p) a(lt) $BpStates R = bg("BtnSquareRight,0,0,1,0,0,1") sz(3,p) a(rt) $BpStates M = bg("BtnSquareMiddle,0,0,1,0,0,1") sz(p,p) xy(3,,3) $BpStates Icon = a(ct) xy(,8) $BpStates extprm(1) Body = [BtnSquare_Body] a(ca) [BtnSquare_Body] @ = a(ca) sz(p,p) mg(7,4) Name = a(cc) f(ctl.enabled ? "BtnSquare" : "BtnSquareGray") extprm(1) [BtnSquarePlay] @ = [BtnSquare] subst(Icon(i("Play,0,0,1,0,0,1") xy(-2,8))) [BtnSquareStop] @ = [BtnSquare] subst(Icon(i("Stop,0,0,1,0,0,1") xy(0,8))) [WarinngBlock] @ = sz(p,a) at(noowncontent) ext(1) Ico = i("warning") Text = xy(10) a(as) text(ctl.parent.text) ;------------- Browse Dialogs ------------ [BrowseForObject] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable,resizable,a_ok,a_cancel) subst( BodyEx( [BrowseForObject_Body] ) ) sz(300,300) ext(1) h(5207) btns(Ok(enable(isValidObj()))) [BrowseForObject_Body] @ = sz(p,p) Recursive = $Check a(lb) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) v(Recursive) extprm(1) PathLabel = a(lp) sz(a,20) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) extprm(1) EditGrp = [BrowseForObject_Body_EditGrp] ShellTree = t(tree) alias(shelltree) a(lp) sz(p,p) xy(0,$Group_Shift) extprm(1) [BrowseForObject_Body_EditGrp] @ = a(as) sz(p,a) rs(100,0) Add = t(button) a(rt) sz(a,21) xy(,,5) text($Add) extprm(1) enable(isValidObj()) PathEdit = t(edit) at(autocomplete) a(pt) sz(p) extprm(1) [BrowseForFolder] @ = [BrowseForObject] at(resizable) subst(PathLabel() Add(use(0)) Recursive(use(0))) ext(1) h(24435) [BrowseForFile] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(resizable,dragable,a_ok,a_cancel) sz(280,250) subst( BodyEx( [BrowseForFile_Body] )) ext(1) h(5049) btns(Ok(enable(isValidObj()))) [BrowseForFile_Body] @ = sz(p,p) PathLabel = sz(a,20) a(lb) xy(,5) PathEdit = t(edit) a(ab) sz(p) xy(5) at(autocomplete) ShellTree = t(tree) alias(shelltree) sz(p,p) xy(,5) a(lp) [BrowseForScanObject] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable,minimizable,resizable,a_ok,a_cancel) sz(320,320) subst( BodyEx( [BrowseForScanObject_Body] )) ext(1) h($IsKAT ? 15752 : 4814) btns(Ok(enable(isValidObj()))) [BrowseForScanObject_Body] @ = sz(p,p) Recursive = $Check a(lb) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) v(Recursive) PathLabel = sz(a,20) a(lp) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) EditGrp = [BrowseForScanObject_Edit] ShellTree = t(tree) alias(shelltree) a(lp) sz(p,p) xy(0,$Group_Shift) [BrowseForScanObject_Edit] @ = a(as) xy(3,-1) sz(p,a) rs(100,0) Add = t(button) a(rt) sz(a,21) xy(,,5) text($Add) enable(isValidObj()) PathEdit = t(edit) at(autocomplete) a(pt) sz(p) [BrowseForUpdateSource] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable,resizable,a_ok,a_cancel) subst( BodyEx( [BrowseForUpdateSource_Body] ) ) sz(350,280) ext(1) h(15890) btns(Ok(enable(isValidObj()))) [BrowseForUpdateSource_Body] @ = sz(p,p) a(lt) PathLabel = sz(a,20) a(lb) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) PathEdit = t(edit) a(ab) sz(p,20) xy(3,-5) rs(100,0) at(autocomplete) ShellTree = t(tree) alias(shelltree) a(lp) sz(p,p) xy(0,$Group_Shift) [BrowseForRegistry] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable,a_ok,a_cancel,resizable) sz(350,280) subst( BodyEx( [BrowseForRegistry_Body] )) ext(1) h(5047) btns(Ok(enable(isValidObj()))) [BrowseForRegistry_Body] @ = sz(p,p) ValueLabel = sz(80,20) a(lb) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) ValueEdit = t(edit) a(ab) sz(p,20) xy(3,-5) rs(100,0) v(KeyValue) PathLabel = sz(80,20) a(lp) xy(0,,,$Group_Shift) PathEdit = t(edit) a(as) sz(p,20) xy(3,-5) rs(100,0) v(KeyPath) ShellTree = t(tree) alias(regtree) a(lp) sz(p,p) xy(0,$Group_Shift) [BrowseForAppMenu] @ = t(menu) AppList Browse = text($Browse) ;------------- Message Dialog ------------ [MessageDialog] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] sz(a,a) at(minimizable,nohelp,customfooter) subst(BodyEx([MessageDialog_Body]) ) text(msg.Caption) bg($IsInitMode ? "ColorWindowClassic" : ((isOsGuiThemed && !isTabbed) ? "ColorWindow" : "ColorWindowClassic"))) [MessageDialog_Body] @ = sz(a,a) mg(14,14) Icon = sz(32,32) xy(,,17) i(s_MsgBoxIcon(msg.Icon)) Text = t(richedit) at(readonly,noborder,nofocus) a(ac) sz(a,a,,,500) order(4) text(msg.Text) ;------------- Grid Groups -------- [Grid.Group.Bold] @ = f("GridGroup") sz(p,30) rs(100,0) border = a(lb) sz(p,2) bg("GridGroup") [Grid.Group.Template] @ = f(isExpanded ? "GridGroup" : "Normal") sz(p,30) rs(100,0) border = a(lb) sz(p,2) bg("GridGroup") [Grid.Group.Normal] @ = sz(p,0) rs(100,0) [Grid.Footer.Template] @ = f("GridGroup") sz(p,22) rs(100,0) ext(1) Add = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(lt) xy(5,4) i("listctrls,0") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) border = a(lt) sz(p,2) bg("GridGroup") [Grid.Footer2.Template] @ = f("GridGroup") sz(p,22) rs(100,0) ext(1) Add = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(lc) xy(5) i("listctrls,0") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) enable(depend(canAdd())) Edit = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,1") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) enable(depend(canEdit())) Delete = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,2") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) enable(depend(canDelete())) MoveUp = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,3") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) enable(depend(canMoveUp())) use(0) MoveDown = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,4") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) enable(depend(canMoveDown())) use(0) Import = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,4") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) use(0) Export = t(hotlink) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(7) i("listctrls,3") f("Hotlink_Normal") extprm(1) use(0) Other = a(ac) xy(7) extprm(1) use(0) border = a(lt) sz(p,2) bg("GridGroup") [TB_Hotlink] @ = at(btnlike,noowncontent) sz(a,a) a(ac) xy($TB_ShiftNext) ext(1) Icon = a(lc) sz(a,a) i(ctl.parent.icon) extprm(1) Cont = a(ac) sz(a,a) f("Description") text(ctl.parent.text) extprm(1) [TB_Button] @ = at(btnlike,noowncontent) sz(a,23) a(ac) xy($TB_ShiftNext_Btn) ext(1) Left = a(lt) sz(6,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonLeft,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonLeft,0":"") ) Right= a(rt) sz(6,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonRight,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonRight,0":"") ) Mid = a(lt) sz(p,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonMiddle,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonMiddle,0":"") ) xy(6,,6) Icon = a(lc) sz(a,a) xy(6) extprm(1) Cont = a(ac) sz(a,a) xy(3,,6) ta(lc) f("Description") text(ctl.parent.text) extprm(1) [TB_Button_Menu] @ = at(btnlike,noowncontent) sz(a,23) a(ac) xy($TB_ShiftNext_Btn) ext(1) Left = a(lt) sz(6,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonLeft,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonLeft,0":"") ) Right= a(rt) sz(6,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonRight,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonRight,0":"") ) Mid = a(lt) sz(p,p) bg(ctl.parent.selected? "TBButtonMiddle,1" : (ctl.parent.hotlight? "TBButtonMiddle,0":"") ) xy(6,,6) AreaLeft = xy(6) a(lc) extprm(1) Cont = a(ac) sz(a,a) xy(2) ta(lc) f("Description") text(ctl.parent.text) extprm(1) Icon = a(ac) sz(a,a) xy(3,,3) i("ToolbarMenuIcon") extprm(1) [TB_Button_ChkLike] @ = at(chklike, rememberdata) a(ac) sz(20,20) rs(0,0) bg(ctl.selected ? "ToolBarItemPressed" : (ctl.hotlight ? "ToolBarItemHilight" : "")) xy($TB_ShiftNext_Btn) ext(1) Icon = a(cc) ia(cc) sz(a,a) extprm(1) Cont = a(ac) sz(a,a) f("Description") text(ctl.parent.text) use(0) extprm(1) [Grid.Toolbar.Template] @ = a(la) bg("ToolBarItem") b(Group) f("GridGroup") sz(p,28) rs(100,0) ext(1) Add = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,0"))) xy($TB_ShiftFirst_Btn) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canAdd())) onclick(ctl.parent.List.add()) Allow = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,7"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canEdit())) use(0) Deny = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,8"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canEdit())) use(0) AllowDeny = [TB_Button] extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canEdit())) use(0) Ask = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,12"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canEdit())) use(0) Edit = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,1"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canEdit())) onclick(ctl.parent.List.edit()) Delete = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,2"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canDelete())) onclick(ctl.parent.List.delete()) MoveUp = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,3"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canMoveUp())) onclick(ctl.parent.List.moveUp()) use(0) MoveDown = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,4"))) extprm(1) enable(depend(ctl.parent.List.canMoveDown())) onclick(ctl.parent.List.moveDown()) use(0) Import = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,4"))) extprm(1) use(0) Export = [TB_Button] subst(Icon(i("listctrls,3"))) extprm(1) use(0) Other = a(ac) xy(7) extprm(1) use(0) Sep = a(lb) sz(p,1) b(Group) [Grid.Editor.Template] @ = f("GridGroup") sz(p,30) rs(100,0) ext(1) Delete = at(clickable) sz(a,a) a(rc) i("listctrls,2") extprm(1) Edit = at(clickable) sz(a,a) a(pc) i("listctrls,1") extprm(1) MoveDown = at(clickable) sz(a,a) a(pc) i("listctrls,4") use(0) extprm(1) MoveUp = at(clickable) sz(a,a) a(pc) i("listctrls,3") use(0) extprm(1) [Grid.Groups] footer = [Grid.Footer.Template] rowedit = [Grid.Editor.Template] date = [Grid.Group.Bold] dateonly = [Grid.Group.Bold] expand(1) sort(-val,sortdown) task = [Grid.Group.Template] text(s_TaskID(val) + $items) taskname = [Grid.Group.Template] text(format_struct(profile(val), "ProfileReport")) expand(profile(val).state & #StateFlagOperational) runtask = [Grid.Group.Template] text(format_struct(profile(val), "ProfileReport")+ $items) expand(profile(val).state & #StateFlagOperational) scantask = [Grid.Group.Template] text(format_struct(profile(val), "ProfileReport") + f_scanEventsGroup(profile(val))) expand(profile(val).state & #StateFlagOperational) dettype = [Grid.Group.Template] expand(1) PIDGroup = [Grid.Group.Template] i(s_PIDIcon(val)) AppGroup = [Grid.Group.Template] i(s_AppIcon(val)) text($AppGroup + $items) sort($AppGroup,sortdown) AppItem = [Grid.Group.Normal] i(s_AppIcon(val)) text($AppGroup) sort($AppGroup) CounterItem = [Grid.Group.Normal] text(s_RepDetectType(val)) sort(s_RepDetectType(val)) CounterGroup = [Grid.Group.Template] text(s_CounterGroup(val)) expand(1) BasesCounterItem = [Grid.Group.Normal] text(s_BasesCounterType(val)) sort(s_BasesCounterType(val)) ObjectSite = [Grid.Group.Template] text(val) AppProgramm = [Grid.Group.Template] text( s_filterEmptyText(val) ) default = [Grid.Group.Template] [Grid.Find] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable) subst( BodyEx( [Grid.Find_Body] ) ) sz(370,a) h(5909) [Grid.Find_Body] Btn = [Grid.FindBody.Btns] Dlg = [Grid.FindBody] a(pt) xy($Button_Shift) [Grid.FindBody.Btns] @ = a(rt) sz(a,a) Find = $Button a(lt) at(default) sz($Button_Medium_CX,$Button_CY) Mark = $Button a(la) xy(0,5) sz($Button_Medium_CX,$Button_CY) [Grid.FindBody] @ = sz(p,a) FindLbl = a(la) xy(,5,5) FindEdit = a(ls) sz(p) t(edit) xy(55,$Edit_CenterOffsetY) v(Mask) ColumnLbl = a(la) xy(,11,5) ColumnCmb = [Grid.ColumnCmb] MatchCase = $Check a(la) xy(,10) v(MatchCase) WholeWord = $Check a(la) xy(,6) v(WholeWord) [Grid.Export] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable) subst( BodyEx( t(progress) a(lt) sz(p,22) v(Progress) ) ) sz(250,a) h(16452) [Grid.ColumnCmb] @ = a(ls) sz(p) t(combo) xy(55,$Edit_CenterOffsetY) v(Column) alias(columns) All = at(default) [Grid.Filter] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable) subst( BodyEx( [Grid.Filter_Body] ) ) sz(a,a) v(opType) h(25854) [Grid.Filter_Body] Label = sz(a,a) Cond1 = [Grid.Filter.Condition] a(la) xy(,10,20) v(cond1) ValMask1 = t(edit) a(as) sz(245,a) v(mask1) enable(ctl.Cond1.value != "None" && ctl.Cond1.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond1.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 1) ValEnum1 = t(combo) dl(10) alias(enum) a(as) v(enum1) sz(a) enable(ctl.Cond1.value != "None" && ctl.Cond1.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond1.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 2) ValDate1 = t(timeedit) at(date) a(as) v(date1) sz(245,a) enable(ctl.Cond1.value != "None" && ctl.Cond1.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond1.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 3) And = t(radio) sz(a,a) a(la) xy(20,10) v(1) Or = t(radio) sz(a,a) a(as) xy(20) v(2) Cond2 = [Grid.Filter.Condition] a(la) xy(,10,20) v(cond2) ValMask2 = t(edit) a(as) sz(245,a) v(mask2) enable(ctl.Cond2.value != "None" && ctl.Cond2.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond2.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 1) ValEnum2 = t(combo) dl(10) alias(enum) a(as) v(enum2) sz(a) enable(ctl.Cond2.value != "None" && ctl.Cond2.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond2.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 2) ValDate2 = t(timeedit) at(date) a(as) v(date2) sz(245,a) enable(ctl.Cond2.value != "None" && ctl.Cond2.value != "Blanks" && ctl.Cond2.value != "NonBlanks") visible(colType == 3) [Grid.Filter.Condition] @ = t(combo) sz(110) ext(1) None = at(default) Equals = use(colType!=3) DoNotEqual = use(colType!=3) GreaterThan = use(colType==3) GreaterThanOrEqual = use(0) LessThan = use(colType==3) LessThanOeEqual = use(0) Blanks = use(colType!=3 && colType!=2) NonBlanks = use(colType!=3 && colType!=2) Like = use(0) NotLike = use(0) [Grid.HdrPopup] @ = t(menu) bg("MenuIconBg") SortDown = i("GridMenu,1") SortUp = i("GridMenu,0") Separator Find = i("GridMenu,4") Group = i("GridMenu,2") Filter = i("GridMenu,3") Separator [Grid.FltPopup] @ = t(menu) bg("MenuIconBg") Custom All Separator ;------------- Templates ------------ [ValuePointed] @ = sz(p,a) ext(1) Name = sz(a,a) a(lt) extprm(1) ValArea = [ValuePointed_ValArea] [ValuePointed_ValArea] @ = sz(p,a) a(at) xy($Control_Shift) Val = sz(a,a) a(rt) extprm(1) Dots = a(pb) bg("Points") sz(p,1) xy(,2) extprm(1) [Value] @ = sz(p,a) ext(1) Name = sz(a,a) extprm(1) a(lt) Val = sz(a,a) a(rt) extprm(1) [LValue] @ = ext(1) [Value] a(la) subst(Name(a(lc)) Val(a(lt) xy(100) sz(p,a))) [Value2] @ = sz(p,a) ext(1) Val = sz(a,a) xy() a(rt) extprm(1) NameArea = [Value2_NameArea] a(pt) sz(p,a) xy(7) [Value2_NameArea] Name = sz(a,a) extprm(1) a(lt) [ValueA] @ = ext(1) [Value] sz(a,a) subst(Val(a(at)) ) [MainWindow_ProfileDoWork] @ = [WizardButton] mg(9,9) alias(taskview) a(la) sz(p,a) bg(if(ctl.Caption.enabled, ctl.selected ? "HilightBtn_sel" : (ctl.hotlight ? "HilightBtn" : ""))) subst(Icon(i(s_MainWindow_ProfileDoWork_Icon(name)) enable(ctl.Caption.enabled)) Name([MainWindow_DoWork_Body] a(lt) xy(49,-1)) Descr(use(0)) ) onclick(if(ctl.Caption.enabled, f_setState(f_IsStateActive(state) ? window("ScanProgressWindow", p_itemID(name)) : #TASK_REQUEST_RUN, name))) ext(1) [MainWindow_DoWork_Body] @ = sz(p,a) ext(1) Caption = at(singleline) xy(-1) f("Header6Lite") text(s_MainWindow_ProfileDoWork_Caption(name)) extprm(1) Body = a(la) sz(0,0) extprm(1) [ProfileHome] @ = ext(1) sz(p,p) Header = [ProfileHome_Header] extprm(1) TasksPos = sz(0,0) a(ra) Tasks = extprm(1) sz(100,206) a(ps) mg(7,7) xy(,,7) bg("ProfileBodyGroup") Group1 = extprm(1) sz(p,206) a(ps) mg(17,10) bg("ProfileBodyGroup") Group2 = extprm(1) sz(p,p) a(la) mg(17,10) xy(,7) bg("ProfileBodyGroup") [ProfileHome_Header] @ = a(lt) sz(p,91) ext(1) Icon = sz(80,a) xy(8) a(lc) i(s_ProfileIcon(type)) extprm(1) Caption = a(at) xy(7,7) text(switch(name, "ProfileName") + if(!persistent && f_IsStateActive(state), " (" + Completion + "%)")) f("TaskName") extprm(1) Description = a(sa) xy(,5) text(s_ProfileDescription(type)) extprm(1) [ProfileHome_Progress] @ = a(la) ext(1) sz(p,a) MinVSize = sz(a,a) LastStart = [Value] a(lt) sz(p,a) rs(0) visible(!f_IsStateActive(state)) extprm(1) subst(Name() Val([ProfileHome_Progress_LastStart])) Completion = [Value] a(lt) sz(p,a) rs(0) visible(f_IsStateActive(state)) subst(Name() Val([ProfileHome_Progress_Compl])) extprm(1) [ProfileHome_Progress_LastStart] @ = ext(1) xy(,,120) Never = a(lt) text(capitalize(s_ProfileState(#StateNotStarted, false))) visible(state == #StateNotStarted) Last = $LinkKL a(lt) text(lastErr ? s_ProfileError(type, lastErr) : capitalize(s_ProfileState(state, false))) visible(state != #StateNotStarted) onclick($ProfileHome_Report) extprm(1) [ProfileHome_Progress_Compl] @ = sz(p,a) a(rt) ext(1) Details = $LinkKL a(rt) onclick($ProfileHome_Report) extprm(1) Progress = t(progress) a(pt) xy(7,2,80) sz(p,12) v(Completion) extprm(1) [ProfileHome_Chart] @ = sz(p,p) ext(1) Zoom = [ProfileHome_Chart_Zoom] Chart = sz(p,p) a(lp) mg(0,3,0,5) extprm(1) Legend = a(rt) xy(,4) sz(a,a) extprm(1) Name = extprm(1) xy(40,7) f("PlotAreaFont") ;PeriodDesc = extprm(1) a(rt) xy(14,7) f("PlotAreaFont") text($ChartPeriod+ctl.Chart.Period()/60 + " " + s_minutes(f_numdeclension(ctl.Chart.Period()/60)) ) [ProfileHome_Chart_Zoom] @ = a(rb) sz(a,11) extprm(1) button_minus = t(bmpbutton) sz(11,11) a(lt) bg("grafplusminus,1,1,1,1,1,1") onclick(ctl.Chart.zoom("-", "60,180,300,600")) sep = bg("grafsep") a(at) xy(1,4,1) button_plus = t(bmpbutton) sz(11,11) a(at) bg("grafplusminus,0,0,0,0,0,0") onclick(ctl.Chart.zoom("+", "60,180,300,600")) [ProfileHome_ChartStat] @ = ext(1) [ProfileHome_Chart] subst( Zoom(use(0)) Name(xy() a(ct) f("GridGroup")) Chart(xy(,,,14)) ) [ChartLegend] @ = sz(a,a) a(at) xy(,,7) ext(1) Color = a(lt) xy(,3) sz(8,8) extprm(1) Text = a(at) xy(7) extprm(1) [TaskIcon] @ = a(ca) sz(p,a) xy(,5) Icon = sz(90,92) ia(ct) at(btnlike) extprm(1) Desc = a(ls) xy(110) sz(p,78) at(dynshow) extprm(1) use(0) [TaskCheck] @ = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) onclick(menu("TaskCheckMenu")) ext(1) Icon = sz(a,a) xy(,1) bg(s_ProfileStateImage(state)) bp(ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight) Text = a(at) xy(7) text($ProfileName) f($ProfileStateFont) extprm(1) bp(ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) [TaskCheckMenu] @ = t(menu) ext(1) ErrInfo = visible($IsErr || (state & #StateFlagMalfunction)) onclick(msg("ProfileErrorInfo", f_ErrFail(lastErr) || (state & #StateFlagMalfunction) ? #m_error : #m_warning)) sep Report = text($Reports) onclick(window("MainReport:" + s_Profile2ProfileGroup(name))) sep Enable = text(s_ProfileStateEnableText(state)) onclick(s_ProfileStateClick(state)) extprm(1) Settings = text($Settings) onclick(window("OptionsWindow:" + s_Profile2ProfileGroup(name))) [TaskVal] @ = ext(1) [ValuePointed] subst(Dots(use(0))) [RunAsGroup] @ = $SettingsGroup xy(0,) ext(1) Enable = t(check) sz(a,a) v(runas.enable) Account = [LValue] xy(20,7) enable(runas.enable) subst(Name() Val(t(edit) v(runas.account) onok(if(runas.enable && !ctl.value, balloon("NoRunAsAccount"))))) Pswd = [LValue] xy(20,7) enable(runas.enable) subst(Name() Val(t(edit) at(password) oninit(if(runas.password=="",runas.password=crypt(""))) v(bicrypt(runas.password)))) ;------------- Tray Window ------------ [Tray] @ = t(tray) alias(producttray) onclick((!(IconState & #TRAY_STATE_YELLOWXCLAMATION) && (IconState & #TRAY_STATE_NEWS_UNREAD)) ? window("NewsReaderDialog") : window("MainWindow" + if($IsUpdateActive, ":Updater", if($IsScanActive, ":Scan")))) ext(1) [Tray.menu] @ = t(menu) Scan_My_Computer = alias(taskview) onclick($OpenScanProgressWindow) visible(f_IsStateActive(state)) Scan_Startup = alias(taskview) onclick($OpenScanProgressWindow) visible(f_IsStateActive(state)) Updater = alias(taskview) onclick(f_StartUpdater()) News = onclick(window("NewsReaderDialog")) visible(size(News) || $IsTest) sep Tools = [Tray.menu_Tools] use(!$IsKAV) sep = visible($IsKAV && (ctl.Tools.visible || ctl.Updater.visible || ctl.Scan_Startup.visible || ctl.Scan_My_Computer.visible)) SafeDesktop = use($CanRunSafeDesktop) onclick(if(!SafeDesktopId(), f_IfErrThenMsg(runSafeDesktop(), "SandBoxError"), goToBaseDesktop())) VirtualKeyboard = onclick(window("VirtualKeyboard")) use($IsKAV && f_isInstalled("VirtualKeyboard") && f_isVkbdInstalled()) sep kis = onclick(window("MainWindow:Protection")) at(default) DisableProtect = alias(taskview) onclick(s_IsStateRunning(Protection.state) ? f_setState(#TASK_REQUEST_PAUSE, "Protection") : setstate(#TASK_REQUEST_RUN, "Protection")) use(!$IsProtectionNotInstalled) enable(!s_IsStateTransitional(Protection.state) && !$IsSafeMode) EnableParCtl = alias(taskview) ns(ParCtl) onclick(var pUserSett; pUserSett = users.find("UserId == " + toExpr(CurrentUserSID)).settings; pUserSett.Enabled = !pUserSett.Enabled; name.ser().setProfileSettingsDirty()) use(f_isInstalled("ParCtl") && $IsKIS) Settings = alias(taskview) onclick(window("OptionsWindow")) About = onclick(window("ProductInfo")) sep RestartOS = onclick(f_RestartOs()) use($IsNeedReboot) Unload = onclick(exit()) use(!SafeDesktopId()) [Tray.menu_Tools] HipsTask = alias(taskview) enable(f_isInstalled(ctl.id)) text($Hips) onclick(window("SystemMonitor:Programs:Running")) ;sep NetMonitor = alias(taskview) onclick(window("NetworkMonitor")) use(f_isInstalled("Firewall")) enable(f_IsStateActive(Firewall.state)) ;sep VirtualKeyboard = alias(taskview) onclick(window("VirtualKeyboard")) use($PersonalOnly && f_isVkbdInstalled()) [Tray.menu_Item] @ = $MenuCustomItem sz(280,a) ext(1) Icon = a(lt) extprm(1) sz(45,p) ia(ct) xy(,11) SepVert = sz(1,p) xy(45,) a(lt) b(Group) rs(0,0) Data = [Tray.menu_Item.Data] mg(12,11) a(at) extprm(1) Arrow = a(ac) i("MenuSubArrow") use(0) extprm(1) [Tray.menu_Item.Data] @ = sz(208,a) Caption = a(at) sz(a,a) f("Header0") extprm(1) Description = a(sa) sz(a,a) xy(,7) f("Description") extprm(1) [Tray.menu_Item.Sep] @ = [Tray.menu_Item] subst( Data( sz(p,1) xy(4,,4,) a(at) b(MainTaskSep) rs(0,0)) Icon( use(0) ) ) ;------------- Main Window ------------ [MainWindow] @ = [StyledWindowT] alias(dragdropscan) at(minimizable,dragdrop) sz(a,a) onclose(if(env("WithoutSysShell"), if($IsKAT ? (if(isUserClose && uninstallAVPTool(msg("UninstallAVPToolWarning", #m_yesno|#m_warning)), url($url_trials)), true) : msg("ProductExitConfirm", #m_yesno), exit(), false))) subst(Border(use(0)) Caption(use(0)) Footer(use(0)) Body([MainWindow_Body] use(1) xy(,,,0))) [MainWindow_Body] @ = ext(1) alias(taskview) b = [MainWindow_Compact] b = [MainWindow_Std] [MainWindow_Std] @ = sz(738,545) bg(s_MainWindowProtectionBg( s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId)) ) alias(productstatus) prm(s_ProductStateList) Close = $WindowCloseBtn Minimize = $WindowMinimizeBtn Header = [MainWindow_Header] a(lt) subst(hdr(bg()) ) Banner = [MainWindow_Navigator_Banner] sz(p,127) a(lt) Navigator = [MainWindow_Navigator] Footer = [MainWindow_Footer] [MainWindow_Header] @ = sz(p,127) rs(100,0) ext(1) $shift_but = 16 hdr = [ProductHeader] sz(a,a) subst(Sep(use(0)) _rs(use(0)) Logo(at(clickable) onclick(window("ProductInfo")))) extprm(1) Settings = [IconLink2] f("MainFtr") subst(Icon(i("MainSettings")) ) a(rt) xy(17,34) onclick(window("OptionsWindow:" + s_Navigator2SettingsRedirection(ctl.Navigator.value))) extprm(1) Reports = [IconLink2] f("MainFtr") subst(Icon(i("MainEvents")) ) a(ps) xy($shift_but) onclick(window("MainThreats:Statistics")) extprm(1) Quarantine = [IconLink2] f("MainFtr") subst(Icon(i("MainQuarantine")) ) xy($shift_but) a(ps) onclick(window("MainThreats:Threats:Quarantined")) extprm(1) News = [IconLink2] f("MainFtr") subst(Icon(i("MainNews")) ) xy($shift_but) a(ps) onclick(window("NewsReaderDialog")) visible(size(News) || $IsTest) extprm(1) ;TestWindow = [IconLink2] f("MainFtr") subst(Icon(i("MainNews")) ) xy($shift_but) a(ps) text("Test") onclick(window("ParctlFirstStartDialog")) extprm(1) AlphaWarning = sz(a,a) xy(300,3) f("Header1White") use(!IsRelease) [MainWindow_Navigator] @ = alias(navigator) btns(Btns) a(la) sz(p,p) xy(,,,0) at(enum,loadpages) Btns = [MainWindow_Navigator_Btns] sz(246,a) xy(2) plitka = a(la) bg("MainWindowPlitka") xy(,) _client_area = xy(255,1) a(lt) [MainWindow_Navigator_Btns] @ = order(0) bg($IsKAV ? (ctl.Upgrade.visible ? "MainNavBorder5" : "MainNavBorder4") : "MainNavBorder6") xy(,0) mg(,,,2) Protection = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "TaskKAV_selected" : "TaskKAV" )) Text(text($Protection)) Text2() ) onshow(ctl.focus()) use(!$IsProtectionNotInstalled) AppCtrl = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "TaskHIPS_selected" : "TaskHIPS" )) Text() Text2() Body(a(ac))) use(!$IsKAV) Scan = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "b_ods_selected" : "b_ods" )) Text(text($ScanInProgressText)) Text2() Desc() ) Updater = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "b_updater_selected" : "b_updater" )) Text(text($UpdateInProgressText)) Text2() Desc() ) enable(s_IsFunctionalityLevel_Updater(LicInfo.FuncLevel)) use(f_isInstalled("Updater")) ParCtl = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "ParCtl_selected" : "ParCtl" )) Text(text($ParCtl)) Text2() Desc() ) use(f_isInstalled("ParCtl") && $IsKIS) AddSvc = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "TaskAddSvc_selected" : "TaskAddSvc" )) Text() Text2() Desc() ) Upgrade = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] subst(Icon(i( ctl.parent.selected ? "TaskUpgrade_selected" : "TaskUpgrade" )) Text() Text2() Desc() ) visible(!$IsSubscription) use($IsKAV) [MainWindow_Body.Upgrade] @ = $TaskTab ext(1) at(enum) h(26741) Header = a(lt) f("Header6KGreen") xy(-1) TaskSep = $TaskSep_Temp Descr = f("Description") a(sa) xy(,,,0) Docks = [Upgrade_Docks] Buy = [Upgrade_Buy] a(rb) xy(,12) onclick(buy(global.LicRenewStatus != 2, 1)) Try = [Upgrade_Try] a(ps) xy(6) use(canMUTrialKIS()) onclick(window("[ConfigureWizard] alias(try_kis)", p_new(#true))) [Upgrade_Docks] @ = a(la) sz(a,a) at(btnlike) onclick(url(env("MoreInfoKISLink"))) Dock1 = [Upgrade_Dock1] Dock2 = [Upgrade_Dock2] Dock3 = [Upgrade_Dock3] [Upgrade_Dock1] @ = a(la) sz(a,67) dock = bg(ctl.parent.parent.hotlight ? "UpgradeDock1h" : "UpgradeDock1") a(ba) Hips = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(14) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,0"))) ParCtl = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(155) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,1"))) Sandbox = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(296) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,2"))) [Upgrade_Dock2] @ = a(la) sz(a,67) dock = bg(ctl.parent.parent.hotlight ? "UpgradeDock2h" : "UpgradeDock2") a(ba) IDS = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(14) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,3"))) Firewall = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(155) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,4"))) SafeBrowser = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(296) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,10"))) [Upgrade_Dock3] @ = a(la) sz(a,67) dock = bg(ctl.parent.parent.hotlight ? "UpgradeDock3h" : "UpgradeDock3") a(ba) AntiBanner = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(14) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,6"))) AntiSpam = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(155) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,7"))) GeoSec = [Upgrade_Dock_Item] sz(140,67) xy(296) subst(Name() Icon(i("UpgradeIcons,9"))) [Upgrade_Dock_Item] @ = ext(1) Icon = a(ct) sz(a,a) xy(,12) extprm(1) Name = a(ct) sz(a,a) xy(,44) f("Description") extprm(1) [Upgrade_Try] @ = t(bmpbutton) at(noowncontent) sz(a,24) ta(cc) L = bg("BtnTryL,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(5,p) a(lt) R = bg("BtnTryR,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(5,p) a(rt) M = bg("BtnTryM,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(p,p) xy(5,,5) Cont = mg(16) sz(a,a) at(underlineoff) a(cc) f("Normal_Bold_White") text($TryNow) [Upgrade_Buy] @ = t(bmpbutton) at(noowncontent) sz(a,24) ta(cc) L = bg("BtnBuyL,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(5,p) a(lt) R = bg("BtnBuyR,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(5,p) a(rt) M = bg("BtnBuyM,0,2,1,0,0,1") sz(p,p) xy(5,,5) Cont = mg(16) sz(a,a) at(underlineoff) a(cc) f("Normal_Bold_White") text($BuyNow) [MainWindow_Navigator_Banner] @ = sz(p,127) rs(0,0) ext(1) Light = sz(a,a) a(lt) xy(217,17) bg(s_MainWindowProtectionLight(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) at(clickable) onclick(window("MainThreats:Status")) info_area = [MainWindow_Navigator_info_area] xy(324,62) [MainWindow_Navigator_info_area] @ = sz(p,66) Text = [MainWindow_Navigator_info_area_text] sz(299,a) a(lc) xy(,2) at(clickable) onclick(ctl.Light.click()) Fix = [MainWindow_Banner_DetailsBtn] a(rc) xy(16,0,10,) visible(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId) != #eProtStateNormal && s_ProductLinkText(ProdStateId)) extprm(1) onclick(s_ProductLinkClick(ProdStateId)) [MainWindow_Navigator_info_area_text] Text = [LabelShadow1_SL] a(lt) text(s_ProtectionBannerText(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) f(s_ProtectionBannerBGFont(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) subst(F(f("ProtBanner")) ) extprm(1) TextDescr = [LabelShadow1] a(sa) sz(p,a) xy(1,) text(s_ProdState_Threats(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId), ProdStateId)) f(s_ProtectionBannerDscBGFont(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) subst(F( f("ProtBannerDsc")) ) extprm(1) [MainWindow_Banner_DetailsBtn] @ = ext(1) [BtnGlassFix] sz(a,27) f(s_ProtectionBannerBtnBGFont(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) subst(Text(subst(F(f("ProtBannerBtn")))) ) [MainWindow_Footer] @ = sz(p,40) a(lb) rs(100,0) mg(18) $link_shift = 12 Unload = [BtnBottomMedim] a(rc) xy(,,$Button_Shift) onclick(close()) use(env("WithoutSysShell")) Events = [BtnBottomMedim] a(pc) xy(,,$Button_Shift) onclick(window("MainReport:" + s_Profile2ProfileGroup_Reports(ctl.Navigator.value))) use($IsKAT) LicenseSubscr = [BtnBottomMedim] a(pc) subst(Icon(i("TaskLicense16")) Text() ) xy(,,$Button_Shift) onclick((AutoActivationError.ErrorCode == 0 && !SubscriptionTolerancePassed)? url($KeyProviderLink) : update_subscr_status() ) use(!$IsRD && !$IsKAT) visible($IsSubscription) Right = [MainWindow_Footer_Right] a(pc) LinksPos = a(lc) xy(6) sz(0,0) Help = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) f("MainFtr") text($Help) a(ac) onclick(help()) use($IsKAT || $IsHelpExists) enable($IsAdvancedDisinfectionStoped) S1 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($link_shift,,$link_shift) visible(ctl.Support.visible) Support = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) f("MainFtr") a(ac) onclick(window("SupportWindow")) use(!$IsRD && !$IsKAT) S2 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($link_shift,,$link_shift) visible(ctl.Cabinet.visible) Cabinet = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) f("MainFtr") a(ac) onclick(f_PersCab()) use(1) use(!$IsRD && !$IsKAT) S3 = $FooterLinkSep a(ac) xy($link_shift,,$link_shift) use($IsKAT) FullProtection = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) f("MainFtr") a(ac) onclick(url(env("ProductUpgradeLink"))) use($IsKAT) [MainWindow_Footer_Right] @ = sz(a,p) LicDesc = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) f("MainFtr") a(lc) onclick(window("LicenseManager")) use(!$IsRD && !$IsKAT) License = [BtnBottomMedim] a(at) xy($Button_Shift,11) oninit(l_LicenseFlashCount = 20) ontimer(100, if(l_LicenseFlashCount, (ctl.hotlight = (l_LicenseFlashCount + 1)%2; l_LicenseFlashCount = l_LicenseFlashCount - 1))) subst(Icon(i("TaskLicense16")) Text() ) onclick(buy(global.LicRenewStatus != 2)) use(!$IsRD && !$IsKAT) visible(global.LicRenewStatus && !$IsSubscription) [MainWindow_Footer_ResizeBackground] @ = sz(0,p) a(rt) rs(100,0) bg("MainWindowCorp") [MainWindow_Navigator_Button] @ = sz(247,59) a(la) mg($shiftgw_left,,0) xy(,1) at(radiolike) ext(1) bg(ctl.selected ? "MainNav_select" : ctl.hotlight ? "MainNav_hover" : "MainNav") Icon = a(lc) extprm(1) Body = [MainWindow_Navigator_Button_Body] xy(10,) sz(p,a) a(ac) extprm(1) tongue = a(at) xy(-1,) sz(9,59) bg("MainNav_tongue") visible( ctl.parent.selected ) [MainWindow_Navigator_Button_Body] Text = a(lt) sz(p,a) at(singleline) f( !ctl.parent.parent.selected ? "NavBtn" : "NavBtn_sel") extprm(1) Text2 = a(la) sz(p,a) at(singleline) visible(ctl.text) f( !ctl.parent.parent.selected ? "NavBtn" : "NavBtn_sel") xy(,-9) extprm(1) ;Desc = a(la) sz(p,a) xy(1) f("NavSmall") extprm(1) xy(,,15) [MainWindow_Info_Panel] @ = t(bmpbutton) sz(p,a) a(la) ia(lt) ext(1) Text = a(lt) sz(p,a) xy(40) extprm(1) f("Header5Lite") Desc = a(sa) sz(p,a) xy(,4,,7) mg(,,4) f("Description") extprm(1) ;------------- StyledWindowT ------------ [Templates] $dlg_pic_lt_x = 413 $dlg_pic_lt_y = 137 $dlg_pic_rt_x = 91 $dlg_pic_rt_y = 137 $dlg_pic_lb_x = 413 $dlg_pic_lb_y = 160 $dlg_pic_rb_x = 91 $dlg_pic_rb_y = 160 $dlg_body_xy = xy($Border_Shift,$DialogPanelSizeY_top,$Border_Shift,$DialogPanelSizeY_bottom) $dlg_bodyTab_xy = xy($Border_Shift,$DialogPanelSizeYTab_top,$Border_Shift,$DialogPanelSizeY_bottom) ; ------------------- Design of Template Style Window ------------------- [DesignWindowT] @ = sz(p,p) ext(1) CaptionBg = [DesignWindowT_CaptionBg] middle = [DesignWindowT_Middle] FooterBg = [DesignWindowT_FooterBg] BorderOutSide = [DesignWindowT_BorderOutSide] visible(!ctl.parent.parent.IsStyle("is_maximaze")) BorderInSide = [DesignWindowT_BorderInSide] Body = [DesignWindowT_Body] [DesignWindowT_Small] @ = sz(p,p) ext(1) CaptionBg = [DesignWindowT_CaptionBg] subst( L(bg("dlgsm_topleft_bg")) M(bg("dlgsm_topfiller_bg") xy(192,)) R(use(0)) ) middle = [DesignWindowT_Middle] subst( L(bg("dlgsm_middlefiller") xy(,45) ) R(bg("dlgsm_middlefiller") xy(,45) ) ) FooterBg = [DesignWindowT_FooterBg] subst( L(use(0)) M( xy(0,) sz(p,$DialogPanelSizeY_bottom) bg("dlgsm_bottomfiller") ) R(use(0)) ) BorderOutSide = [DesignWindowT_BorderOutSide] visible(!ctl.parent.parent.IsStyle("is_maximaze")) BorderInSide = [DesignWindowT_BorderInSide] Body = [DesignWindowT_Body] [DesignWindowT_Body] @ = a(lt) bg("ColorWindowClassic") $dlg_body_xy sz(p,p) extprm(1) [DesignWindowT_CaptionBg] @ = sz(p,a) ext(1) L = extprm(1) a(lt) bg("dlg_topleft_bg") M = extprm(1) a(lt) bg("dlg_topfiller_bg") sz(p,) xy($dlg_pic_lt_x,,$dlg_pic_rt_x,) R = extprm(1) a(rt) bg("dlg_topright_bg") [DesignWindowT_Middle] @ = sz(p,p) ext(1) L = extprm(1) a(lt) xy(,$dlg_pic_lt_y,,160) sz(a,p) bg("dlg_middlefiller") R = extprm(1) a(rt) xy(,$dlg_pic_rt_y,,160) sz(a,p) bg("dlg_middlefiller") [DesignWindowT_FooterBg] @ = sz(p,a) a(lb) ext(1) L = extprm(1) a(lb) bg("dlg_bottomleft") M = extprm(1) a(lb) xy($dlg_pic_lb_x,,$dlg_pic_rb_x,) sz(p,) bg("dlg_bottomfiller") R = extprm(1) a(rb) bg("dlg_bottomright") [DesignWindowT_BorderOutSide] @ = sz(p,p) t_l = a(lt) bg("dlg_b_topleft") sz(6,6) rs(0,0) t_m = a(lt) bg("dlg_b_topfiller") sz(p,3) xy(6,,6,) t_r = a(rt) bg("dlg_b_topright") sz(6,6) rs(0,0) m_l = a(lt) bg("dlg_b_middleleft") xy(,6,,6) sz(3,p) m_r = a(rt) bg("dlg_b_middleright") xy(,6,,6) sz(3,p) b_l = a(lb) bg("dlg_b_bottomleft") sz(6,6) rs(0,0) b_m = a(lb) bg("dlg_b_bottomfiller") xy(6,,6,) sz(p,3) b_r = a(rb) bg("dlg_b_bottomright") sz(6,6) rs(0,0) [DesignWindowT_BorderInSide] @ = sz(p,p) rect_layer_1 = b(dlg_border_layer_1) xy(8,28,8,38) sz(p,p) rect_layer_2 = b(dlg_border_layer_2) xy(9,29,9,39) sz(p,p) ; ------------------- Elements of Template Style Window ------------------- [Templates] $IsWindowMaximaze = ctl.parent.parent.IsStyle("is_maximaze") $WindowMinimizeBtn = at(clickable) a(pt) xy(0) onclick(showMode(#showMinimized)) bg("window_minimize,0,2,1,3,0,1") enable(ctl.top.IsStyle("minimizable")) use(ctl.top.IsStyle("minimizable") || ctl.top.IsStyle("resizable")) $WindowMaximizeBtn = at(clickable) a(pt) xy(0) onclick(!$IsWindowMaximaze ? showMode(#showMaximazed) : showMode(#showNormal)) bg(!$IsWindowMaximaze ? "window_maximize,0,2,1,3,0,1" : "window_restore,0,2,1,3,0,1") use(ctl.top.IsStyle("resizable")) $WindowCloseBtn = at(clickable) a(rt) xy(8) onclick(close()) bg("window_close,0,2,1,3,0,1") [StyledWindowT_Caption] @ = sz(p,$DialogPanelSizeY_top) rs(100,0) Icon = a(lc) xy(8,) i(ctl.parent.parent.icon) at(clickable) Text = a(as) xy(,,90) at(singleline) f("Normal9_White") text(ctl.parent.parent.text) extprm(1) ; При добавление кнопки, также её добавить WinDlg.cpp -> CheckHitTest(...) Close = $WindowCloseBtn Maximize = $WindowMaximizeBtn Minimize = $WindowMinimizeBtn ; ------------------- Template Style Window ------------------- ; шаблон для большого окна [StyledWindowT] @ = $DlgAttrBase mg(0,0) sz(700,300) i("Main") at(customfooter) props(if(!$IsInitMode, "at(customfooter,noborder,nocaption) round(9,9,9,9)")) ext(1) design = [DesignWindowT] use(!$IsInitMode) extprm(1) Caption = [StyledWindowT_Caption] use(!$IsInitMode) extprm(1) Body = [StyledWindowT_Body_NoCaption] use(!$IsInitMode) extprm(1) Body = [StyledWindowT_Body_Classic] use($IsInitMode) extprm(1) Footer = [DialogPanel] use(!$IsInitMode) extprm(1) Footer = [DialogPanelClassic] use($IsInitMode) extprm(1) ; без рамки окна [StyledWindowT_Body_NoCaption] @ = sz(s,s) $dlg_body_xy bg((isOsGuiThemed || true) ? "ColorWindow" : "ColorWindowClassic") extprm(1) BodyEx = sz(s,s) extprm(1) ; стандартный вид [StyledWindowT_Body_Classic] @ = sz(s,s) xy(,,,$DialogPanelSizeY) extprm(1) BodyEx = sz(s,s) extprm(1) ; шаблон для маленького окна [StyledWindowT_Small] @ = [StyledWindowT] subst( Body(mg(12,12,12,12) ) design( [DesignWindowT_Small] ) ) ; шаблон для окна содержащего TAB-control [StyledWindowT_Tab] $parDesign = design( [DesignWindowT] ) $parBodyEx = Body( $dlg_bodyTab_xy bg("") ) @ = [StyledWindowT] subst( $parDesign $parBodyEx ) ; шаблон для окна содержащего small TAB-control [StyledWindowT_Small_Tab] $parDesign = design( [DesignWindowT_Small] ) $parBodyEx = Body( $dlg_bodyTab_xy bg("") ) @ = [StyledWindowT] subst( $parDesign $parBodyEx ) ; шаблон для окна без оформления [StyledWindowT_Null] @ = [StyledWindowT] subst( design( use(0) ) ) ;------------- Wizards ------------ [WizardHeader] @ = sz(p,p) pic = sz(a,a) a(lt) bg("InstallerHeader") rs(0,0) use($IsInitMode) ext(1) pic = sz(a,a) a(lt) bg("MainWindowHeader") rs(,0) use(!$IsInitMode) ext(1) ;_rs = sz(p,p) a(rt) at(fixstyle) bg("WizardHeader_rs") xy(320) visible(!$IsInitMode) Sep = t(group) at(3dborder) xy(,,-1) sz(p,2) a(lb) use($IsInitMode) extprm(1) Sep = $StdFooterSeparator a(lb) use(!$IsInitMode) extprm(1) [DialogPanelClassic] @ = a(lb) sz(p,$DialogFooterSizeY_Installer) ext(1) rs(100,0) ;NOTE: negative axis Y offset is necessary for correct separator displaying both with and without Copyright (compare look, for example, for [ConfigureWizard.InitBegin] and [ConfigureWizard.InitFinish]) ;So you must keep above controls height not too large to prevent visual bugs Copyright = a(lt) [LabelShadow] at(noowncontent) subst(B(f("Normal_White") text(ctl.parent.text)) F(enable(0)) ) sz(a,a) xy(4,,1) use(0) extprm(1) Separator = t(group) a(at) xy(,10,-1) sz(p,2) at(3dborder) use(0) extprm(1) BtnsGroup = [WizardDialogPanel_BtnsGroup] a(rb) xy(6,12) Help = at(btnlike) a(lc) xy(9,) text($Help) f("MainFtrN") onclick(help()) extprm(1) use($IsHelpExists) enable($IsAdvancedDisinfectionStoped) [WizardDialogPanel_BtnsGroup] @ = sz(a,$Button_CY) rs(0,0) extprm(1) Confirm = $Button_Installer a(lt) xy($Button_Shift_Installer) WizardGroup = [WizardDialogPanel_BtnsGroup_WizardGroup] No = $Button_Installer a(at) xy($Button_Shift_Installer) Cancel = $Button_Installer a(at) xy($Button_Shift_Installer) onclick(close()) extprm(1) Apply = $Button_Installer a(at) xy($Button_Shift_Installer) [WizardDialogPanel_BtnsGroup_WizardGroup] @ = sz(a,p) a(at) rs(0,0) Back = $Button_Installer xy($Button_Shift_Installer) extprm(1) Next = $Button_Installer a(at) extprm(1) [WizardTpl] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(wizard,customfooter,minimizable) sz(a,a) subst(Footer(subst(Separator(use(1)) Help(use(!$IsInitMode)) Next(use(1)) )) BodyEx( props($IsInitMode ? "sz(493,324)" : "sz(548,383)") at(sheetpages) order(0) )) [WizardPage] @ = ext(1) sz(p,p) Header = [WizardPage_Header_Neo] use(!$IsInitMode) Header = [WizardPage_Header_Classic] use($IsInitMode) Body = a(la) sz(p,p) mg(30,10,30,7) extprm(1) use(!$IsInitMode) Body = a(la) sz(p,p) mg(33,23,33,7) extprm(1) use($IsInitMode) [WizardPage_Header] @ = sz(p,58) extprm(1) hdr = [WizardHeader] sz(p,p) Body = [WizardPage_Header_Body] sz(p,a) a(lc) xy(27) [WizardPage_Header_Body] Name = sz(a,a) f("Header0White") extprm(1) Descr = sz(a,a) a(sa) xy(,7,) f("Header0WhiteLite") visible(ctl.text) extprm(1) [WizardPage_Header_Neo] @ = sz(p,a) extprm(1) MinHeght = sz(a,89) a(lt) Img = a(rt) bg("WizardBg") HeaderTitle = [WizardPage_Header_Body_Neo] [WizardPage_Header_Body_Neo] @ = sz(p,a) mg(30,30,30,0) Name = sz(a,a) a(lt) f("Wizard_Caption") extprm(1) Line = sz(p,1) a(la) xy(,20,,14) bg("WizardLine") [WizardPage_Header_Classic] @ = sz(p,60) extprm(1) hdr = [WizardHeader] sz(p,p) Body = [WizardPage_Header_Body_Classic] sz(p,a) a(lt) xy(20,9) [WizardPage_Header_Body_Classic] Name = sz(a,a) f("Normal_Bold_Black") extprm(1) Descr = sz(a,a) a(sa) xy(13,7,) f("Normal_Black") visible(ctl.text) extprm(1) [WizardPage_InfoArea] @ = a(la) sz(p,a) bg("AlertInfo") ext(1) Top = a(la) sz(p,0) bg("AlertInfoTop") Info = a(la) sz(p,a) mg(17,17) extprm(1) Buttom = a(la) sz(p,1) bg("AlertInfoBottom") [WizardButton] @ = at(btnlike) a(la) sz(p,a) mg(10,7,3,10) xy(,5) bg(ctl.selected ? "HilightBtn_sel" : (ctl.hotlight ? "HilightBtn" : "")) ext(1) Icon = i("Arrow_select") extprm(1) xy(,2,5) Name = a(at) xy(1) sz(a,a) f("Header3KGreenLite") extprm(1) Descr = a(sa) xy(1,4) sz(a,a) f("Description") extprm(1) [LWizardButton] @ = [WizardButton] subst(Name(i("listctrls,5"))) [SupportWindow] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(dragable,customfooter,a_close) sz(a,a) alias(taskview) i("Main") subst( Footer(subst(Link2(use(1) onclick(dialog("SupportWindow.Traces"))) Link1(use(1) onclick(dialog("EulaInfo"))) )) BodyEx([SupportWindow_Cont] ) ) h(26122) [SupportWindow_Cont] @ = sz(522,a) bg("ColorWindow") ext(1) ;Header = [SupportWindow_Header] Body = [SupportWindow_New_Body] xy(,,,16) [SupportWindow_Header] @ = sz(p,a) Hdr = sz(p,66) a(lt) bg("MainWindowHeader") Caption = a(lt) sz(p,a) xy(25,8) f("Header3White") Desc = a(la) sz(p,a) xy(25,2,25) f("Header0WhiteLite") Sep = $StdFooterSeparator a(lb) [SupportWindow_New_Body] @ = sz(p,a) xy(,7) a(la) SysInfo = [SupportWindow_New_Body_SysInfo_Block] a(lt) xy(0,0)bg("SupportBG") sz(,180) OnClick = [SupportWindow_New_OneClickSprt] a(la) xy(16,6,16) [SupportWindow_New_Body_SysInfo_Block] @ = sz(p,a) mg(20,20) Avatar = a(lt) i("Support") xy(,8) Body = [SupportWindow_New_Body_SysInfo] a(at) xy(16,5,14) ; xy(16,19,14) [SupportWindow_New_Body_SysInfo] @ = sz(p,a) Desc = a(lt) sz(p,a) xy(-1,,,14) f("Header5Med") ProdVer = [LValue] subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val(xy(180) f("Description") text($ProductVersion + if(global.ProductHotfix, " (" + global.ProductHotfix + ")")))) Signatures = [LValue] xy(,5) subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val(xy(180) f("Description") text(datetime(AVService.BasesDate)))) OSVer = [LValue] xy(,5) subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val(xy(180) f("Description") text(global.OSVersion))) NoKeys = [LValue] xy(,5) subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val(xy(180) f("Description") ) ) visible( (global.KeyState & #eNoKeys) || !LicInfo.KeyInfo.KeyType ) ActiveLic = [LValue] xy(,5) subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val($LinkKL xy(180) text(f_KeySerNum(LicInfo.KeyInfo.KeySerNum)+if($HasReserveKey,"\n"+f_KeySerNum(ResLicInfo.KeyInfo.KeySerNum)) ) onclick(window("LicenseKeys")) ) ) visible( !ctl.NoKeys.visible && !$IsSubscription ) SubscrLic = [LValue] xy(,5) subst(Name(a(lt) f("Description")) Val( xy(180) f("Description") text(f_KeySerNum(LicInfo.KeyInfo.KeySerNum) ) ) ) visible( $IsSubscription ) [SupportWindow_New_OneClickSprt] @ = sz(p,a) Arrow = [WizardButton] onclick(url($OneClickSupportLink)) a(lt) subst(Name() Descr() ) KnowlegeBase= [WizardButton] a(la) onclick(url($KnowledgeBaseLink)) subst(Name() Descr() ) Forum = [WizardButton] a(la) onclick(url($ForumURL)) subst(Name(text($ForumName)) Descr() ) [SupportWindow_New_Bottom] @ = sz(p,a) Separator = t(group) a(la) sz(p,2) xy() mg(0,0,0,0) at(3dborder) Cabinet = [WizardButton] a(la) sz(256,a) mg() xy(,11) onclick(f_PersCab()) subst(Name( i("PersCab16") text($PersonalCabinetName)) Descr(xy(,,,5))) KnowlegeBase= t(hotlink) a(rt) xy(,15,,) f("Hotlink_Normal9") onclick(url($KnowlegeBaseLink)) Forum = t(hotlink) a(ra) xy(,5,,) f("Hotlink_Normal9") onclick(url($ForumURL)) text($ForumName) [SupportWindow.Traces] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(dragable,a_close) sz(550,a) subst( BodyEx( [SupportWindow.Traces_Body] ) ) h(15742) [SupportWindow.Traces_Body] @ = sz(p,a) Intro = sz(p,a) ia(lt) i("warning") xy(7,7) Trace = [SupportWindow.Traces_Trace] Action = [SupportWindow.Traces_Action] [SupportWindow.Traces_Trace] @ = $SettingsGroup xy(,7,8) Label = sz(p,a) StateLabel = a(la) xy(,7) sz(a,a) State = a(ls) xy(60,) sz(a,a) LevelLabel = a(la) xy(,10) sz(a,a) Level = [SupportWindow.Traces_Trace_Level] OnOff = $Button_Medium a(rs) onclick(switch_tracer()) [SupportWindow.Traces_Trace_Level] @ = t(combo) a(ls) xy(60,-3) sz(150,0) v(tracer_level()) lvl100 = v(100) sz(a,a) lvl200 = v(200) sz(a,a) lvl300 = v(300) sz(a,a) lvl400 = v(400) sz(a,a) lvl500 = v(500) at(default) sz(a,a) lvl600 = v(600) sz(a,a) [SupportWindow.Traces_Action] @ = $SettingsGroup mg(8,8,8,7) AvzReport = [WizardButton] sz(a,a) xy(,) subst(Name(text()) Descr()) onclick(f_AvzDialog("AvzCollectSysInfoWizard")) Send = [WizardButton] xy(,) subst(Name(text()) Descr()) onclick(dialog("SendTroublesDialogEx")) AvzScript = [WizardButton] xy(,) subst(Name(text()) Descr()) onclick(f_AvzDialog("AvzRunScriptWizard")) GotoFolder = $Button_Medium a(rt) xy(,10) enable(bmask(fileattr(objdir(env("AVZSysInfo"))), 0x10)) onclick(if(!gotofile(objdir(env("AVZSysInfo"))), msg("CantOpenFolder"))) use(!$IsRD) [Product_Notification] @ = t(dialog) sz(328,a) xy(4,4,4,4) at(nocaption,dragable,layered,ontop,bottom,noautofocus) onchange(if(CheckSound, sound(s_ProductNotificationSound($NotifyEventSeverity)))) prm($ProductNotificationText, $ProductNotificationTipText) mg(1,1) bg("WindowOuterBorder") Border = bg("Window" + s_NotifyWindowColor($NotifyEventSeverity) + "Border") sz(p,p) Body = [Product_Notification_Body] xy(2,2,2,2) [Product_Notification_Body] @ = sz(s,s) bg("ColorWindow") HdrTop = [Product_Notification_Body_HdrTop] xy(-2,-2,-2) DescrBody = [Product_Notification_Body_DescrBody] DescrBottom = [Product_Notification_Body_DescrBottom] visible($ShowNoLicReminder && (EventID != #eNotifyLicensing)) [Product_Notification_Body_HdrTop] $btnIndexes = 0,3,1,0,0,2 @ = sz(p,30) bg("BalloonBar" + s_NotifyWindowColor($NotifyEventSeverity)) Logo = [LabelShadow1] sz(a,a) a(lc) xy(10,1) text($ProductName) f(s_ProtectionBannerSmBGFont($NotifyEventSeverity)) subst(F(f("ProtBannerSm")) ) Close = at(btnlike) a(rt) sz(a,a) xy(3) bg("BalloonBtnClose,$btnIndexes") Options = at(btnlike) a(ps) sz(a,a) xy(0) bg("BalloonBtnCfg,$btnIndexes") visible(global.settings.EnableInteraction) onclick(menu("Product_Notification_OptionsMenu")) use(!$IsKAT) [Product_Notification_Body_DescrBody] @ = sz(p,a) a(la) mg(15,15,15,15) Descr = t(richedit) sz(p,a) at(readonly,noborder,nofocus) text(DisplayText) tt(f_RemoveTags(DisplayTipText)) a(lt) Link = $LinkKL onclick($ProductNotificationLink) a(la) xy(,10) text($ProductNotificationLinkText) visible(ctl.text) [Product_Notification_Body_DescrBottom] @ = a(la) sz(p,a) bg("AlertInfo") ext(1) Top = a(la) sz(p,1) bg("AlertInfoTop") Text = a(ca) sz(p,a) xy(,4) f("Normal_Bold_Red") BuyLink = a(ca) sz(p,a) xy(,,,8) $LinkKL f("DescriptionBlueBold") onclick($IsTrialKeyExpired? buy(0) : $IsKeyExpired? buy(1) : $HasNoKeys? f_Activate() : buy(0) ) [Product_Notification_OptionsMenu] @ = t(menu) ;bg("MenuIconBg") NotifyDisable NotifyDisableAll sep NotifyConfigure = onclick(window("OptionsWindow:Appearance:Notifications")) text($Configure) [LabelShadow] @ = sz(a,a) ext(1) B = sz(a,a) xy(1,1) at(singleline) extprm(1) F = sz(a,a) a(ss) xy(-1,-1) text(ctl.B.text) at(singleline) extprm(1) [LabelShadow2] @ = sz(a,a) at(noowncontent) ext(1) B = sz(a,a) xy(1,1) bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.font = ctl.parent.font; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) F = sz(a,a) f(ctl.parent.font + "F") bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) [LabelShadow1] ;@ = [LabelShadow2] subst(B(xy(0,0)) F(xy(1,1)) ) ext(1) @ = sz(a,a) at(noowncontent) ext(1) B = sz(a,a) bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.font = ctl.parent.font; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) F = sz(a,a) xy(1,1) f(ctl.parent.font + "F") bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) [LabelShadow1_SL] @ = sz(p,a) at(noowncontent) ext(1) B = sz(p,a) at(singleline) bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.font = ctl.parent.font; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) F = sz(p,a) at(singleline) xy(1,1) f(ctl.parent.font + "F") bp(ctl.text = ctl.parent.text; ctl.hotlight = ctl.parent.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.parent.focused) extprm(1) ;------------- ProductInfo -------------- [ProductInfo] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(dragable,a_close,nohelp) sz(340,400) alias(taskview) subst( BodyEx( [ProductInfo_BodyEx] ) design( [DesignWindowT_Small] ) ) [ProductInfo_BodyEx] @ = sz(p,p) mg(0,0) Img = a(rt) bg("WizardBg") Body = [ProductInfo_Body] [ProductInfo_Body] @ = mg(16,16,16,) sz(p,p) K = i("AboutK") sz(a,a) Title = [ProductInfo_Title] xy(64) Version = f("Normal_Bold") xy(64,64) visible($IsRD || !ctl.Title.selected) About = [ProductInfo_Body_About] xy(,90) visible($IsRD || !ctl.Title.selected) Credits = [ProductInfo_Body_Credits] xy(64,56) visible(ctl.Title.selected) use(!$IsRD) [ProductInfo_Title] @ = sz(a,a) at(chklike,clickable) onclick(ctl.Team.animate(41,3,true)) Logo = i(s_ProductAboutLogo(env("ProductType"))) a(lt) Team = xy(3,16) a(as) i("AboutTeam") visible(ctl.parent.selected) use(!$IsRD) [ProductInfo_Body_About] @ = sz(p,p) ThreatDate = [Value] xy(,10,,3) a(la) subst(Name() Val(text(datetime(AVService.BasesDate)))) use($IsKAT) Copyright = a(la) xy(,7) sz(a,a) f("Normal_Bold") Warning = a(la) xy(0,15) sz(p,a) Warning2 = a(sa) xy(,7) sz(a,a) [ProductInfo_Body_Credits] @ = sz(p,p) Credits = t(credits) sz(p,p) xy(,,,7) [DialogInfoHeader] @ = a(la) sz(p,a) bg("AlertInfo") ext(1) Info = a(la) sz(p,a) mg(17,17) extprm(1) Buttom = a(la) sz(p,4) bg("AlertInfoBottom") Text = sz(a,a) xy(17,4) extprm(1) a(lc) f("DialogInfoHeader") [ProductHeader] @ = sz(p,73) bg("MainWindowHeader") rs(,0) ext(1) Logo = bg(s_ProductLogo(env("ProductType"))) xy($shiftgw_left,40) sz(a,a) a(lt) extprm(1) _rs = sz(p,p) at(fixstyle) bg("MainWindowHeader_rs") xy(700) extprm(1) Sep = $StdFooterSeparator a(lb) extprm(1) [RescueDiskHelp] @ = [StyledWindowT_Small] at(dragable,a_close,nohelp) subst( BodyEx( [RescueDiskHelp_Body] ) ) sz(350,a) text($Help) [RescueDiskHelp_Body] Text = t(edit) at(multiline,readonly,vscroll) sz(p,250) text(const(filebody(env("RescueDiskHelpFile"))))) ;------------- ProductInfo -------------- [NewsReaderTemplate_Body] @ = a(lt) sz(p,p) mg(10,20,10,10) Caption = f("Header4Lite") d = [NewsReader_Splitter] xy(,7) a(sa) [NewsReader_Splitter] @ = t(splitter) sz(p,p) v(20000) at(rememberdata) List = [News_List] Text = [News_Body] [News_List] @ = t(list) sz(p,p) bg("ColorWindow") at(singlesel) v(News) alias(vector) onshow(ctl.focus()) onfocus(hide_product_news(Id)) icon = sz(16,a) i(if(!is_news_hidden(Id), "mail16")) Title = sz(p,p) rs(78) text(Title) f(is_news_hidden(Id)? "Normal":"Normal_Bold") Date = sz(p,a) rs(22) text(datetime(Date)) f(is_news_hidden(Id)? "Normal":"Normal_Bold") [News_Body] @ = b(System) sz(p,p) Text = [News_Text] [News_Text] @ = t(html) at(noborder, nofocus) sz(p,p) alias(descriptor) dataowner(List) text(Text) onchange(msg("DeleteItemsConfirm", #m_yesno)) [NewsReader_Footer] @ = a(lb) sz(p,$DialogPanelSizeY) ext(1) rs(100,0) BtnsGroup = [DialogPanel_BtnsGroup] ResizeBackground = sz(p,p) rs(100,0) a(pt) extprm(1) WndResizer = a(rb) sz(a,a) bg("WndResizer") xy(3,) ShowNews = t(check) a(lc) xy(9) v(NSettings.treeFind("Childs", "EventID == " + #eNotifyNewsUnread).CheckTray) f("Normal_White") Help = sz(a,a) at(btnlike) a(la) xy(9,) f("MainFtr") onclick(help()) text($Help) extprm(1) use($IsHelpExists) enable($IsAdvancedDisinfectionStoped) [NewsReaderDialog] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(dragable,resizable,minimizable,a_close) subst( BodyEx( [NewsReaderTemplate_Body] bg("ColorWindow") ) Footer([NewsReader_Footer] subst([DialogPanel] Help(use(0))))) sz(,$TopWindows_Min_Y,600,550) h(7137) [MainWindow_Compact] @ = sz(510,a) bg("MainWindowBg") use($IsKAT || $IsRD) BgBottom = a(lb) bg("MainWindowBgBottom") Header = [MainWindow_Header] use($IsKAT) sz(p,62) subst(Settings(use(0)) Banner(subst(Text(use(0)) Details(xy(110))) sz(300,36) bg(s_MainProtectionBannerBg(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))))) Header = [MainWindow_Header] use($IsRD) subst(Banner(subst(Text(use(0)) Details(xy(110))) sz(300,36) bg(s_MainProtectionBannerBg(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))))) Body = [MainWindow_Compact_Body] Light = sz(a,a) a(lp) xy(400,-32) alias(productstatus) prm(s_ProductStateList) bg(s_MainWindowProtectionLight(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) bp(ctl.hotlight = ctl.Banner.hotlight; ctl.focused = ctl.Banner.focused; f_MainLightBlink(s_ProdStateSeverity(ProdStateId))) at(clickable) onclick(window("MainThreats:Status")) Footer = [MainWindow_Footer] [MainWindow_Compact_Body] @ = a(la) xy(,0,,$DialogPanelSizeY) mg(10,10) sz(p,a) bg("ColorWindow") Navigator = [MainWindow_Compact_Tasks] [MainWindow_Compact_Tasks] @ = $Tab sz(p,467) mg(0,0) xy(0,13,0,0) at(xpstyle) Scan_Objects = [MainWindow.Scan_Objects] subst(Scan_Objects(subst(Group1(sz(p,152) subst(footer(use($IsRD)) rowedit(use($IsRD))))))) text($Scan_Objects) h($IsKAT ? 15754 : 0) AVZ_Scan = [AVZ_Scan] use($IsKAT) text($AVZ_Scan) h($IsKAT ? 15755 : 0) Updater = [MainWindow_Body.Updater] subst(Home(subst(Group1(sz(p,152))))) text($Updater) use(f_isInstalled("Updater")) [ParCtlSwitchProfile_Profiles] @ = at(enum) v(ParCtl.ProfileId) onchanging(parctl_checkPassword(ctl.value)) onchange(savesettings()) Child = at(radiolike) v(#eParCtl_ProfId_Child) text(s_ParCtlProfileName(#eParCtl_ProfId_Child)) visible(find(ParCtl.Profiles, "Id == #eParCtl_ProfId_Child").Enabled) Teen = at(radiolike) v(#eParCtl_ProfId_Teen) text(s_ParCtlProfileName(#eParCtl_ProfId_Teen)) visible(find(ParCtl.Profiles, "Id == #eParCtl_ProfId_Teen").Enabled) Parent = at(radiolike) v(#eParCtl_ProfId_Parent) text(s_ParCtlProfileName(#eParCtl_ProfId_Parent)) visible(find(ParCtl.Profiles, "Id == #eParCtl_ProfId_Parent").Enabled) [__Chart__] @ = alias(taskview) Hips_InBytes = v(Firewall.InBytes) Hips_OutBytes = v(Firewall.OutBytes) [SandboxPanel] @ = t(dialog) sz(592,29) at(nocaption,layered,ontop,top,noautofocus) mg(0,0) bg("Header_saferun") round(0,0,9,9) Close = a(rc) xy(10,1) bg("Header_saferun_btns,0,2,1,0,0,1") at(btnlike) Minimize = a(pc) xy(1,1) bg("Header_saferun_btns,3,5,4,3,3,4") at(btnlike) Fixed = a(pc) xy(1,1) bg("Header_saferun_btns,6,8,6,6,6,6") at(chklike,clickable) Text = a(cc) f("MainFtrSmallF") [PromoPage] @ = [StyledWindowT] at(dragable, minimizable) sz(700,540) subst( BodyEx( [PromoPage_Body] ) Footer( [PromoPage_Footer] ) ) [PromoPage_Body] @ = sz(p,p) a(lt) mg(20,20) bg("Promo") ontimer(1000, if(!(global.KeyState & (#eKeyTrial|#eNoKeys)),close())) Pic = a(rt) bg(s_PromoPic(env("ProductType"))) Info = a(lt) [PromoPage_Info] sz(p,p) rs(60,50) Sep = a(la) bg("SeparatorPromo") sz(p,a) Features = a(la) [PromoPage_Features] sz(p,p) xy(,7) [PromoPage_Footer] @ = sz(p,$DialogPanelSizeY) a(lb) rs(100,0) Show = t(check) f("MainFtr") v(global.HidePromo) a(lc) xy(7) BuyLic = [BtnGlass] sz(a,$Button_CY) a(rc) xy(7) onclick(buy(0);close()) Continue = [BtnGlass] sz(a,$Button_CY) a(pc) xy(7) onclick(close()) [PromoPage_Info] @ = mg(,,30) Header = a(lt) text(s_ProductTitle(env("ProductType"))) f("Header6") Year = a(as) text(2011) f("Header6Green") xy(3) TrialHint = a(la) f("Header2Red") xy(,17) PleaseBuyMe = $RichText a(la) f("Normal10") xy(,7) WeAreBest = a(sa) sz(p,a) xy(10,17) f("Normal10") MoreInfo = a(sa) t(hotlink) sz(a,a) text($LearnMore) f("Hotlink_Large_Normal") onclick(url(s_LearnMoreLink3(env("ProductType")))) xy(,7) [PromoPage_Features] Feature1 = sz(p,a) a(la) [PromoPage_Feature1] rs(33,0) Feature2 = sz(p,a) a(as) [PromoPage_Feature2] rs(50,0) Feature3 = sz(p,a) a(as) [PromoPage_Feature3] [PromoPage_Feature1] @ = mg(,,5) Header = a(lt) text(s_PromoPage_Feature1_Name(env("ProductType"))) f("Bold") Feature = a(sa) text(s_PromoPage_Feature1_Desc(env("ProductType"))) sz(p,a) xy(,7) f("Normal10") LearnMore = a(sa) t(hotlink) sz(a,a) f("Hotlink_Large_Normal") onclick(url(s_LearnMoreLink1(env("ProductType")))) xy(,7) text($LearnMore) use(s_LearnMoreLink1(env("ProductType")) != "") [PromoPage_Feature2] @ = mg(5) Header = a(lt) text(s_PromoPage_Feature2_Name(env("ProductType"))) f("Bold") Feature = a(sa) text(s_PromoPage_Feature2_Desc(env("ProductType"))) sz(p,a) xy(,7) f("Normal10") LearnMore = a(sa) t(hotlink) sz(a,a) f("Hotlink_Large_Normal") onclick(url(s_LearnMoreLink2(env("ProductType")))) xy(,7) text($LearnMore) use(s_LearnMoreLink2(env("ProductType")) != "") [PromoPage_Feature3] @ = mg(5) Header = a(lt) text(s_PromoPage_Feature3_Name(env("ProductType"))) f("Bold") Feature = a(sa) text(s_PromoPage_Feature3_Desc(env("ProductType"))) sz(p,a) xy(,7) f("Normal10") LearnMore = a(sa) t(hotlink) sz(a,a) f("Hotlink_Large_Normal") onclick(url(s_LearnMoreLink3(env("ProductType")))) xy(,7) text($LearnMore) use(s_LearnMoreLink3(env("ProductType")) != "") [TestDialog] @ = $Dlg sz(a,a) text("Test") Body = $WizardPage $Tab sz(a,a) [TestDialog_Body] [TestDialog_Body] P1 = [TestDialog_Body_P1] text("P1") sz(500,300) mg(7,7) bg("Chart1") P2 = [TestDialog_Body_P2] text("P2") sz(200,150) mg(7,7) bg("Chart2") [TestDialog_Body_P1] Geography = [LValue] a(sa) subst(Name(a(lt) sz(a,a,,,$LValueLeftArea) text("sdvc rgerg erg wwerg werg sdvsd wsdfged werg qerg wefgwefg")) Val($LValueShift text("sadvasevasdavsd")))